Assamese names for boy and girl
Meditation; Remembrance; In Remembrance of God,Remembrance; Meditation; Beautiful; Gods Favourite2Unisex
Beautiful; Pretty; Wise; Wisdom; Where She Goes Happiness Brings; Skill; Golden; Name which Brings Happiness4Female
One has Good Heart; Flower; Cheerful and Wise; Good Mind; Love,Beautiful Flowers; Flower; Cheerful and Wise; One who has a Good Mind5Unisex
Well-behaved; Polite; One with Good Morals; Gracious; Feeling; Intelligent; Well Behaved; Kind; Love; Beautiful3Female
Bright; Brilliant; Cheerful; Of the Sun; Filled with Sunlight; Shining; Arise of Sun,Bright Disposition; Cheerful; Full of Sunshine; Sun; Happy Day; Gift of Sun3Unisex
White; Gift; Beautiful,Lovely; Pure as Milk; Fair Complexioned; Pure; Cute; Beautiful; Gorgeous4Unisex
Feeling; Delicate,Delicate; Goddess of Beauty; Caring; Loving; Good Hearted; Slender; Beautiful; Goddess Durga; Rays; Brightness; The Brightened One; Shinning Star; Bright3Unisex
One God,Triad; The Holy Three; Three Fold; Three in One; The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit; A Triad; Three; Triple7Unisex