Sikh names for boy and girl
Defender of Mankind; Noble; Female Version of Alexander,Form of Alexander; Helper and Defender of Mankind6Unisex
Bright; Hope; Pure; Hardworking; Optimistic; Expectation; Brilliant; Another name for Narayana; Clean,Bright; Clean; Pure; Hope; Wish; Expectation; Aspiration,Expectation; Bird; Hard Work; Bright; Clean; Pure; Unblemished; Hope; AspirationUnisex
The One who is Peaceful; Peace; Comfort,Wonder; Peace; Hero; Safety; Protection; Honest; Faithful; Trustworthy; Security; The One who is Peaceful2Unisex
Trustworthy; Faithful; Peaceful; Honest; Secured; Safe,Trustful; Honest; Trustworthy; Mother of Prophet Mohammed; TruthfulFemale
Friend; Infinite; That which cannot be Erased; Limitless; Boundless,Unlimited; Boundless; Without Limit; Nobody can Destroy; Unstoppable; Upright; Friendly; Faithful; A Great Deal with World; Limitless; Love; Fire; Heat; Lotus that Blooms in Moonlight; A Star; Name of Nakshatra; Lord Chandra (Moon); True; Honest; Endless7Unisex