Gujarati names for boy and girl with letter h
Generosity; Prophet's grandfather; Decisive,Magnificent; Destroys Evil; Force for Good; Generous; Great Grandfather of the Prophet; HonourMale
Laughter; Chandra (Moon); Beautiful; Handsome; Grandson of prophet Mohammed,Good; Handsome; Beautiful; One who Beautifies; DesireMale
One of the Six Seasons; Spring Season,Gold; One of the Six Seasons; Early Winter; Beautiful Season of the Year7Unisex
Golden Creeper; Home Ruler; House Owner; Lord of the Manor; God was Gracious; God has Favoured Me; Mehendi6Female
Henna; A Shrub; Fragrance; Sword of the Finest Steel; Liver; Used for Denoting Closeness of Individual to Oneself5Female
Precious Diamond; Diamond,Diamond; Another Name for Lakshmi; Warm; Name of a Cave; Sacred Cave9Unisex