Malayalam names for boy and girl with letter j
Victory; Blue Crested Bird; Name of Bird,Blue Jay; He who Supplants; The Lord is Salvation; Victory; Blue Crested Bird; A Bird in the Crow Family; Win9Unisex
Safeguarding Victory; Jaya means Victory and Pala means Keeping Safe,King; Lord Vishnu; Lord Bramha3Unisex
Honour of Victory; Goddess of Victory,The Goddess of Victory; Victorious Woman Vijayalakhsmi2Unisex
Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu; Establishing Union with God,Establishing Union with God; Lord Shiva1Unisex
Youthful; Downy-bearded; Jove's Child; Downy; Vivacious; Youth; Descended from Jupiter (Jove); Soft Bearded3Female