Marathi names for boy and girl with letter a
Excellent; Highest social standing; Tall; Towering,Superior; Finer; Rising; Ascending; High-born; The High; Exalted OneFemale
Bright; Hope; Pure; Hardworking; Optimistic; Expectation; Brilliant; Another name for Narayana; Clean,Bright; Clean; Pure; Hope; Wish; Expectation; Aspiration,Expectation; Bird; Hard Work; Bright; Clean; Pure; Unblemished; Hope; AspirationUnisex
The One who is Peaceful; Peace; Comfort,Wonder; Peace; Hero; Safety; Protection; Honest; Faithful; Trustworthy; Security; The One who is Peaceful2Unisex
Spring season (Vasanth Ritu); Leader; Insightful,Peace; Wishes; Aspiration; Belief; Faith,Road; One who Shows the Path; Wishes; Aspiration; Belief; Faith; PeaceUnisex
Grass; Immortal one; Unfading flower,Immortal,Grass; Immortal One; Aid; Assistance; Steadfast; Lovely Forever; Imperishable; Eternal Beauty; Unfading; GraceUnisex
Sky,Sky; From the Stone; Healing; Reddish-yellow Precious Jewel; Gold-brown Semiprecious Stone; Gem3Unisex
Boundless; Devotional; Devotion,Boundless; Magnanimous; Immeasurable; Name of Lord Ganesha9Unisex
Faithful; Trustworthy; Honest,Divine Grace; Trustworthy; Honest; Another Name for Prophet Muhammad; Faithful; Custodian; TruthfulMale
Ruler; Prince; Rich; Prosperous,Rich; Leader; From Kikuyu; Wealthy; Ruler; King; Emir; Treetop; Sheaf; Prince Ruler; Mighty; Strong; Prosperous; Proclaimed; CommanderMale
Leader; Princess; Royal lady,Princess; High-born; Speech; Prosperous; Treetop; Proverb; LeaderFemale
Friend; Infinite; That which cannot be Erased; Limitless; Boundless,Unlimited; Boundless; Without Limit; Nobody can Destroy; Unstoppable; Upright; Friendly; Faithful; A Great Deal with World; Limitless; Love; Fire; Heat; Lotus that Blooms in Moonlight; A Star; Name of Nakshatra; Lord Chandra (Moon); True; Honest; Endless7Unisex
Playful; Wanted,Grace; Favour,Form of Anna; Gracious; God's Favour; Resurrection; Playful; Wanted; Favoured; Beautiful; Grace; Strong; Clever; Full of Pride; BrightUnisex
Endless; Galaxy; Never Ending,Endless; Infinite; Lord Shiva; Lord Ganesha; Never Ending5Unisex
Grace; Favour; Apricot from Nara; Army; Brilliance; Form,Goddess Durga; Grace; Favour; God is Gracious; God has Shown Favour9Unisex
Close, Intimate, Good friend, Continuous, Without darkness, Light, Unceasing, Generous, Loyal, Close,Joy and Pleasure; Friendly; Without Night; Loveable,SupremeUnisex
Grace; Gracious; Full of Grace; Favour; God has Favoured Me; Mother; Favour and Grace; Eagle; Happiness; Precious; Angel; Elder Sister,Name of a King; Food; Grain; Earth and Water; God is Gracious; God has Shown Favour; Angel; Elder Brother3Unisex
An Atom; Angel; Messenger of God; Love; Sky,Atom; Silence; Favour; Grace; A Prefix; Beauty9Unisex