Tamil names for male with letter i
Abraham; Earth; A prophet name,My Father is Exalted; Arabic Form of Abraham; Father of Many; Father of a Multitude or Many Nations; A Prophet's Name; Abraham; EarthMale
Strong; Prosperity population; A prophet's name,Prosperity; Father of Moses; A Prophet's Name; Powerful; Prosperous; Master; BeautifulMale
Knowledgeable; Thankfulness,Wisdom; Gratefulness; Knowledgeable; Learning; Prodigy; Iron HeartMale
The Sun; One who Bestows Wealth; North East Direction; Lord Shiva / Vishnu; Allah's Grace7Male
A prophet; The biblical Ishm,Farsi for Ishmael; The Biblical Ishmael is the English Language Equivalent; A Prophet's Name; God will ListenMale