Tamil names for boy and girl
Fire; The Wanderer; Intelligent; Thoughtful; One who Uses Reason; Place Name; Pain or Lipless; Sweet Smell; One who Surrounds Whole World6Male
A wise; Sensible; Intelligent woman,Intelligent; Logical; Intelligent One who Reasons; WiseFemale
Nobility; Excellence; Superior; All and Rich; Power; Rule; Truthful; Noble; Exalted; Defending Men5Male
Bringer of Hope; Admirable; Wonderful Light; Beautiful; Darling Child; Light and Buoy-any; An Offering; Little Rock2Female
Noble and Bright; Highborn; Brilliant; Noble; Noble Famous; Bright through Nobility; Bright4Male
Defender of Mankind; Noble; Female Version of Alexander,Form of Alexander; Helper and Defender of Mankind6Unisex
Sublime; Lofty; High; Tall; Excellent; Noble,God; Excellent; Noble; Sublime; Light; Lofty; To Ascend; Exalted One; Also Mohammad's Son-in-law; Elevated,Noble and Shining; Defender of Mankind; Bee; Feminine of AlexanderUnisex
Long-tailed Duck; Noble; Nobility; Feminine of Alexander; Defender of Mankind; Diamond; Noble Sort; Flower7Female
Bright; Hope; Pure; Hardworking; Optimistic; Expectation; Brilliant; Another name for Narayana; Clean,Bright; Clean; Pure; Hope; Wish; Expectation; Aspiration,Expectation; Bird; Hard Work; Bright; Clean; Pure; Unblemished; Hope; AspirationUnisex
Grass; Immortal one; Unfading flower,Immortal,Grass; Immortal One; Aid; Assistance; Steadfast; Lovely Forever; Imperishable; Eternal Beauty; Unfading; GraceUnisex